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High cholesterol is a serious health problem that affects about fifty million Americans. It's a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which half of all men and a third of all women will get at some time in their lives. I'll spend the majority of this book on the two things my patients ask about most: how cholesterol and Heart disease are connected and what they can do to optimize their cholesterol levels. But I want to take a few pages early on to clarify that cholesterol in and of itself isn't bad. While too much cholesterol can be harmful, just the right amount of it does a lot of important work in the body. But like carbohydrates in recent years, cholesterol has gotten such a bad rap that most people don't know the good it does.

Cholesterol performs three main functions:

  1. It helps make the outer coating of cells.
  2. It makes up the bile acids that work to digest food in the intestine.
  3. It allows the body to make Vitamin D and hormones, like estrogen in women and testosterone in men.
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Q: What effect does each type of cholesterol have on health?
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It depends on the type of trans fatty acids., the manufactured, man-made type have a negative effect on health, destroying the good trans-fats, which come from cud-chewing animals, especially when they are grass fed, they raise they bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower the good cholesterol, (HDL) increasing the risk of heart disease. The good trans-fats, from healthy, grass fed cud-chewing animals actually do the opposite, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol and promote a healthy cardiovascular system.

What is good cholesterol?

Good cholesterol is the cholesterol that the body makes on its own. It helps keep your heart healthy and fights off diseases that can be triggered by bad cholesterol, which is the type that you get from meats and dairy products. Both levels will go up and down, but there is little connection between the two. If you have high levels of bad cholesterol, it can cause health problems, but cutting back on animal products will only effect bad cholesterol, and the good cholesterol in your body will more or less stay the same/ increase.

Does avocado has cholesterol?

No. It does have a type of fat that is now considered to lower the bad type of cholesterol in your body

Quantitative determination of cholesterol in the blood?

TC ,or total serum cholesterol, is a quantitative analysis of cholesterol in the patients blood. The type of cholesterol is as important as the quantity of cholesterol.

Is cholesterol a type of fat?

No. But fatty foods are usually high in cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a lipid?

Yes, cholesterol is a type of lipid that is essential for building cell membranes and producing hormones in the body. It is a waxy substance that is found in the bloodstream and in all cells of the body.

What is the author's view about type 2 diabetes?

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Consider Cholesterol Information Before Starting A Diet?

Get educated about the types of cholesterol and what each type will mean before you get started with any specific diet. Some diets designed to help you lose weight quickly may also expose you to large amounts of bad cholesterol, negating the initial benefit of the diet on your overall health. Read up on cholesterol information that will help you understand which foods are good for lowering cholesterol and which foods may raise it. Consider this information when you look at diets to choose a weight loss option that will work for you, and run every diet by your doctor before starting.

Cholesterol is a?

Cholesterol is a type of fat. There are two main sources of cholesterol: 1- liver produces 2- certain foods

What is HDL Cholesterol commonly known as?

What is HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol? This type of cholesterol is commonly called "bad " cholesterol. It can contribute to the formation of plaque

What is HDL cholesterol and how do you find how much you have?

HDL cholesterol refers to a certain type of cholesterol found in the blood. To have your HDL cholesterol checked, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Is Cholesterol is a type of protein?
