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Good cholesterol is the cholesterol that the body makes on its own. It helps keep your heart healthy and fights off diseases that can be triggered by bad cholesterol, which is the type that you get from meats and dairy products. Both levels will go up and down, but there is little connection between the two. If you have high levels of bad cholesterol, it can cause health problems, but cutting back on animal products will only effect bad cholesterol, and the good cholesterol in your body will more or less stay the same/ increase.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Cholesterol in general has a negative connotation. In high amounts it can cause heart attacks, strokes, clogged arteries and other not-so-desired long-term illnesses. However, cholesterol is still a needed part of the human body in order for it to function properly. In addition, HDL cholesterol, or high density lipoprotein cholesterol, is actually good for your cholesterol levels. This type of cholesterol scavenges free and isolated cholesterol in blood vessels, and deposits them in the liver, where the cholesterol cannot harm your body. This in effect reduces the level of free cholesterol in the human body.

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Can you get cholesterol from vegetables?

no there is no cholesterol in veggies if there is there is only good cholesterol in it.

Does safflower increase your cholesterol?

First of all, there is good cholesterol and not as good cholesterol. What people generally call cholesterol refers to the low density cholesterol that comes from animal fats. The 'good' cholesterol comes mostly from plants and is considered high density. Since safflower comes from a plant source, it is in the good category, so it does not increase your bad cholesterol.

Where can I find more information on what is good cholesterol?

Good cholesterol is a measure of the cholesterol in your blood that is healthy for you, as opposed to unhealthy cholesterol which can harm your body if you have too much in your system. Find more information about good and bad cholesterol at

Where can I find out more about what is good cholesterol? is a webpage all about cholesterol and how to get good cholesterol. It makes you understand cholesterol, shows you how to set your target cholesterol, and gives you other links to further your knowledge.

Why is hdl cholesterol the good cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol because is flows in the bloodstream and removes harmful cholesterol from the areas in which it doesn't belong. If you have high HDL levels of cholesterol it will reduce your chance of getting heart disease.

Is cholesterol good or bad?

Cholesterol itself is not inherently good or bad. It is necessary for the body to function, but having high levels of LDL cholesterol (often referred to as "bad cholesterol") can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. HDL cholesterol (often referred to as "good cholesterol") helps to remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream.

I have a cholesterol reading of 6.6 the good cholesterol is 2.45 is this bad?

i am in risk my cholesterol is 6.6

What is the good form of cholesterol?

High-density lipoprotein, or hdl is known as good cholesterol.

What are the misconceptions about cholesterol?

One misconception is that there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Your doctor will know the difference.

Are Hebrew national hot dogs good for your cholesterol?

No, in fact no red meat is good for cholesterol.

What are hdl cholesterol levels and how are they measured?

The HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol that it should keep cholesterol in 35ml, 40ml for women and for men the levels change between good and bad cholesterol.

Is almonds good for cholesterol?

AnswerAlmonds are cholesterol free. Cholesterol comes from animal and animal products only. Plant produce is free from cholesterol.