Hard drugs
What drugs are dangerous for a pregnant lady?
What similarities do some of these drugs share in Pregnancy category X
Tobacco does indeed contain a very addictive and dangerous drug, nicotine. Nicotine stimulates the pleasure center in the brain in a similar way to many illegal drugs. Tobacco smoke also contains many dangerous chemicals including chemicals which cause cancer.
Class A drugs are the drugs that are most dangerous for example cocaine. Class B drugs are the drugs that are mildly dangerous. Class C drugs are the drugs that are least dangerous for example cannabis.
We might think that ciggarettes are not dangerous BUT do you know how many drugs one ciggarette just contains????????? Well if you don't I'll tell you. One ciggarette contains 36 drugs which damage our body head to foot!!!!!!!!!! I bet you didn't know that. HUH??????
actually, nicotine belongs to the stimulant category
what are the danerous or harmful drugs
The danger of "bath salts" (euphemism for inhaled drugs) is from smoking them, inhaling their vapors, or their powdered form, to achieve temporary euphoria. These chemicals are extremely psychoactive and often physiologically reactive, and can lead to severe or fatal adverse reactions.
Misuse of drugs is dangerous. Not keeping to the recommended dosage, especially not following your doctor's instructions, is also dangerous.