The saying it's on means bring it or deal! Like if there are two boys about to fight, one of them might say we are going to fight. The other guy should be confident so he would say it's on.
Why does the saying yes Mississippi was but Mississippi is mean?
What does the saying bring a plate mean if you are invited to a party
He is saying he likes you.
What does the cheese walked by the river mean
the answer means you are mean
What does monkeyshines mean
it mean "honey"! a saying of the gays!
They are agreeing with you and saying that there is 'no doubt' to what you are saying.
Yahoo is saying Rekhmet is saying THANK YOU in your own language
It means that the person saying it wants to know the definition of what he is saying
I think it means I hear what you are saying and I agree with what you are saying
it mean "honey"! a saying of the gays!