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He is saying he likes you.

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He is saying you are his world to him

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Q: What does it mean when my bf calls me his queen?
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What does it mean if you have a BF and they leave town and wont answer your calls or text?

umm they probally dont like you and not to be mean but mabye its time to move on???

What if your a guy calls you a bf?

Maybe he is attracted to you

If a girl has a boyfriend and she used to like you and sent you pics of when she was on holidays and calls you when she is upset does this mean that she still likes you?

a girl "has a bf"....hmmmm..." does this mean that she still likes you"....... if she calls you and is upset and talks about how her boyfriend is balblha your just back up

What does it mean when someone call you a queen bee?

when someone calls you a queen bee it means that you are really bossy or you think you the boss of people

How can you tell if your ex bf still likes you?

he still calls you, he asks friends about you, he calls you on your b'day or special occasions

What does it mean when someone calls you a queen?

When someone calls you means....he or she loves you and admires you. You have royal style like a queen. You are pretty or beautiful or cute and probably very royal as a shiny beautiful queen. When a guy calls you queen it means he sees his love in you,you are his wife as well as his queen. When a girl calls you queen, it means you are very stylish, royal and probably beautiful.

What does it mean when your bf calls you his beautiful baby girl?

1. He love you. 2. He is proud of your. 3. He is playing fun with you. 4. Nothing means at all.

Should you say sorry to your bf?

if by bf you mean boyfriend then yes!

What do you do when your bf is mean?


What does tupac mean by black queen?

If you are talking about when he calls his mom a black queen in the song 'Dear Mama', I am pretty sure he is referring to the fact that his mom was part of the black panthers.

What will Kate Middleton call the queen?

Although Prince William calls the queen "granny," his wife will most likely call her "Your Majesty" or "Ma'am."

What does the acronym BF mean in BF Falcon?

There is no meaning for "BF" in BF Falcon. The BF Falcon is a model of car produced by the Ford Motor Company. The Ford BF Falcon is a full-size car released in October 2006.