Tell her to tell her Mom so that they can visit a doctor. 12 year olds are not able to treat themselves.
you tell him
Be a really good friend to her, and tell her to go to the doctor. She needs to find an adult she can trust, because no matter what she decides to do it is going to be very difficult. You took a good step trying to find help for her, but she really needs to talk to a doctor, her parents, or a social worker.
as far as i know you would have to consult your doctor for any use of medications unless youer doctor perscribes it to you , or it is for serious fetal needs .ask your physician and tell him your concerns .. glad to help :)
The boy needs a psychologist more than a girlfriend. Tell your parents and they can help him find a doctor.
call a doctor or tell their parents.
If you are going to a Doctor for help, the Doctor WILL try and help you. However, you need to tell the Doctor EVERYTHING that you are doing. It is OK to do this because whatever you say to your doctor is treated as strictly private. If you tell your Doctor everything then he/she will be able to help you, if you withhold vital information it is possible that what the Doctor does to try and help you could end up harming you.
Both. You should tell your doctor immediately. He will help you quit.
You tell him he needs to get his ears checked out by a doctor...
You know by visiting a doctor. He will tell you if your hernia requires operation.
Your sister needs help. Tell your parents.
You should ask your doctor about what treatment would be best for your situation. Every bulging disk is different and has different needs to be treated, including: heating pads, medicine, and specific exercises, but your doctor will be able to tell you what would help you the most.