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Tell her to tell her Mom so that they can visit a doctor. 12 year olds are not able to treat themselves.

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Q: My friend is 12 and she told me she have a yellowish discharge is this normal for her please she really needs help?
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Vaginal discharge that smells like blood.?

im not sure why u have got this, please go to your local doctor, as this is not normal

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Is it normal to have vaginal discharge?

Yes, it is normal to have vaginal discharge. It helps to keep the vagina clean and healthy by removing dead cells and bacteria. The amount, color, and consistency may vary throughout the menstrual cycle. If you notice any changes that seem unusual or are accompanied by other symptoms like itching or odor, it's a good idea to consult a healthcare provider.

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Yes, discharge during pregnancy can be completely normal. The vagina is a self cleaning organ, and routinely sheds small amounts of fluid out of the vagina whether pregnant or not. However, if the discharge has changed color, consistency or smell from your normal pattern, please see your doctor. It can be an indicator of an infection or other problem and may need treatment.

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It is quite normal for men's semen to be a yellowish color, but if it isn't white or a yellowish color please see your doctor. Marcy NORMAL ejaculate (semen) varies among guys, from almost a clear looking fluid, to a real white color. Average color is usually not real white, but an off white, sort of like the color of skim milk. When boys first masturbate, it's not unusual for it to be clear and not a lot of it.

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Hi good day! I have a problem about my tooth it becomes yellowish. I have a braces now, I used normal toothpaste before my teeth is not yellowish. I'm using Depurdent toothpaste almost 1 month, I bought over the counter in the pharmacy co'z the pharmacist told me it helps to prevent yellowish..but Ive noticed it becomes more yellowish. I used Depurdent toothpaste 3 times week so that it will work out that my tooth become whiter. Please advice me i want my teeth whiter again..pls help me thanks in advance. regards, Snow

Your wife is 28 weeks pregnant she has a yellowish slight smell discharge and itchey area the baby also doesnt move as much for the last 2weeks only slightly not the same as before you hav appoinment?

Please contact your obstetrician as quickly as possible. This question should be addressed by a professional, and quickly.

Is having smelly brown discharge and stomach and back cramps when your on the combined pill normal a few days before your period starts?

smelly brown discharge is STD please get checked. Smelly is the key word here. If you are having brown discharge that smells like old blood discuss changing to a different pill, you may need a mini-pill.

If you are on birth control and before your period you have a horrible odor along with brownish discharge should you be concerned?

ANY HORRIBLE ODOR is not normal and SHOULD be cause for concern. Please contact your health professional! ~ T

What is overbank discharge?

I've no idea could someone please tell me?

Will you please be my friend?

Sure. :)