Hi there
Well it sure sounds like he seems interested. Does he smile or do you have spinach stuck in your teeth? Ha, ha. Seriously, if you and your girlfriends feel he is interested in you why don't you chance asking him out. If you don't try you will never know, and the worst that can happen is he will say no or make up an excuse of some sort. We've all been there ourselves.
Good luck Marcy
Well do you look good because if so then yes he does and if your ugly hes tryna figure out what hes looking at ya dig but also it depends on how he's looking at you if he likes you or not. Is it a stare like OHHHH or is it a stare like What the... Type me back and tell me what its like and ill definantly tell you
He likes you.
That means that that boy likes you.
Is she stares at you and then continues to stare at you when you look at her, she may be crushing on you.
You should avoid him and if he keeps doing this tell your mom or the person who looks after you at home that this is happening.
Answer:It most likely means she likes you or that she is shy at making friends and wants to be your friend (but it is most likely the former)
a way to know if he likes another girl is if he keeps looking at her and smiling also if he talks about her with his friends.
its either good or bad, she's either looking at how good your looking and shes shy or you look weird and she doesnt want to look at your face :(
It means he really likes you and hopefully you can find the self confiendce to ask him out on a date.
When a young man stares at a young girl in class and then glances away when she looks is extremely shy. He may want to talk to her or even ask her out on a date, but is too shy. If you like him ask him out.
I think he really likes you, He is just to shy to admint it Try and make the first move, maybe he will open up :)
most likely