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He likes you.

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Q: When he stares and you look he keeps stareing?
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If she stare at me then I look at her and she keeps staring at me?

Is she stares at you and then continues to stare at you when you look at her, she may be crushing on you.

What another word for look for?

searching /observing/glaring/stareing

How do you spell stareing as in the police was stareing at the moon?


Does the guy you like like you back if he stares at you and prolongs gaze and walks near you more frequently than before and seems can't talk to you and does something funny then stares at you?

yes, stareing means that he probably just wants to talk to you but just can't find the right time to.

If a boy stares at you does that mean he thinks you're ugly?

Like my mother says there are two reasons why someone could be stareing at you one if you got something on ur face or cuz your good lookin.

Does a boy like you if he always stares at you?

Well. sometimes it can happen if he stares at you , and you look at him when he stares he might look away because he can be shy

What does that mean if a guy who is in one of your classes and knows you stares at you when you're talking to your friend and keeps staring when you look back for a long time?

He wants to get in your pants.

If a guy goes past your classroom and looks in does it mean he likes you?

If he stares, and quickly looks away when he looks at you, then yes. If he just stares, and stares, and stares and doesn't even flinch when you look at him, then no.

Is stares plural or singular?

The NOUN stares is plural (more than one stare, or look). The present tense verb conjugation stares is used only for the third-person singular (he, she, or it stares).

How do you know if a guy stares at you?

if you look at him and he looks at you back.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you but when you look him he stops?

He is attracted to you.

How do you tell that a boy likes you?

If he stares at you but when you look at him he will look a way and he will smile alot if he does.