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no so lol HA!

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Q: What does teenagers need to be healthy?
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Why teenagers should not have kids?

Teenagers should not have kids because they don't know how to handle it. They need to know how to finance money, they need to keep the baby healthy, and they need to be able to pay for things that you will need.

Are teenagers unhealthy?

It depends on the teenagers: if they eat too much sweets and hardly ever do sports or eat a balanced diet. Most teenagers are healthy, BUT there is a quite high number of unhealthy teenagers. Otherwise, there are more healthy teenagers!

How will teenagers and children benefit from developing healthy eating and drinking habits?

If you know how you can keep it as an adult and it would feel more natural to do so. They will notice the difference when they eat unhealthy and when they eat healthy and will stick to the healthy food. This will mean they will live longer, be less sick and enjoy life more.

Are teenager healthy?

Some teenagers out there are healthy and some are not:)

Does teenagers need nutrients?

All need nutrients including teenagers...

Are teenagers health or not?

Teenagers can be healthy or unhealthy, just like adults and kids. It just depends on the influence of parents.

Why should teenagers eat fruit and vegetables?

they should eat fruit and vegetables because there growing and need to stay healthy to stay strong and in shape.

Are video games healthy for teenagers?

Yes but deadly for adults

Do teenagers need fresh air and how long do they need to be outside to get enough fresh air?

Anyone needs atleast 1 hour a day outside. If more hours a day, your body will be healthy and happy.

Why are teenagers consuming so many soft drinks and processed foods?

Teenagers are growing into adults and they need food! Why can't they have healthy foods you ask? Well, maybe the soft drinks and chips seem more appetizing. If you are a parent there are tons of tricks to get your kids to eat healthy. My mom used to put spinach in brownies. We never knew the difference!

How many hours should a teen exercise for?

teenagers need to get daily exercise. some exercise is accidental exercise like walking from place to place. but teenagers need to get at least 1/2 and hour of proper exercise this includes, walking the dog, sport training, going for a run, sport games, etc teenagers also need to drink plenty of water and eat healthy.

Do teenagers need different foods to adults or children?

Kind of just eat your fruits and veggitables coz i will help keep your body healthy (It even helps keep away pimples)