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Abdominal rebound tenderness occurs when the examiner slowly pushes down on the abdomen, then releases the hand quickly, eliciting a painful reaction (due to the reaction of rebound tenderness, and indicating underlying infection/inflammation in the abdominal cavity).

Guarding indicates the patient's muscular bracing/tension when palpation begins to occur by the examiner.

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Q: What does rebound and guarding mean?
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"No guarding" refers to the absence of involuntary muscle tensing or flinching in response to touch, which can indicate abdominal pain. "No rebound" refers to the absence of increased pain when pressure is released after it is applied to an area, which can be a sign of peritoneal irritation. These findings are important during a physical exam to assess for possible underlying conditions like appendicitis or peritonitis.

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it means rebound by preesing x when thron away but over what they ask if it says over 3times do 4 it will tell you

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The Rebound was created in 2009.

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