q6h stand for every 6 hours, q=every and h=hours so you can also take it to mean qid or four times daily though the doses should be about 6 hours apart.
This is probably q6h, which means "take one dose every 6 hours".
every four hours
every four hours
"As Directed"
"Every 6 hours, PRN"
q6h - every six hours prn- as needed
Methadone you mean? Yes it does show up in a drug test.
Is it "prd" or "PRN"? PRN means "as needed".
'PO' or 'p.o.' means 'Per Oral'; that is, take the prescribed drug dose by mouth
You will give too small a dose which may mean that the medication is not effective.
Amp. On a drug test stands for Amphetamines, drugs like Adderal, Adderal XR, vyvanse, Ect.
every 6 houre