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Q: What does practicing abstinence mean?
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How can you use abstinence in a sentence?

Example : Maria and her friends are practicing abstinence. They think abstinence is the key.

What is abstinence and what are the effects of practicing abstinence?

Abstinence - is the act of a person choosing not to participate in a certain activity. This can be something like... not drinking alcohol, or not having intercourse before marriage.

What is a word for having no sex?

Abstinent - Practicing not having sex. Abstinence - The act of intentionally not having sex.

What does abstinence mean?

Refraining from sex. Abstinence means not having sexual relations. Practicing abstinence is a fool-proof pregnancy prevention method and will make you a happier person. Too many times, people have relations with others before they know them and then the relationship is taken to a level that it wouldn't have reached had relations not been initiated so quickly.

Is abstinence a pill?

No, abstinence mean you are abstaining from sex. You have no sex at all.

What does abstinence from sex mean?

may be no desire for sex

What does practicing for battle mean?

your about to enter a fight, and your practicing your skills.

What rhymes with abstance?

Abstance is not an English word. Did you mean "abstinence" or "absence"?

What does abstenence mean?

The word abstinence means to refrain from participating in a particular behavior.

What does non practicing virgin mean?

It's a joke.

What tattoos mean sobriety?

Sobriety is the state of being sober or moderation in or abstinence from slcohol or drugs. It can also mean seious and solemn.

When was The Abstinence created?

The Abstinence was created on 1996-11-21.