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It means being married to more than one person at the same time.

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Q: What does polygamist relationship mean?
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Is Peter Andre in a relationship?

yes, he's a polygamist with 6 wives and 22 children as of 9/3/11

What do you call the wives of a polygamous man?

The wives in a polygamous relationship often refer to themselves as "sister-wives".

Who supports Polygamist Family?

you do....

Are men polygamis and female monogamis?

Only men of a certain religion are polygamist. The wives in a polygamist marriage are all monogamist.

Where are the biggest polygamist sect in the US?

Islam is probably the largest religious group in the US that practices polygamy, although most Muslims are not polygamist.

What are polygamist wives to each other?

It depends on the culture, but many polygamist wives refer to the other women married to their husband as 'sister wives'.

If you were a woman in a polygamist situation what would your relationship with the other wives be?

The other wives are usually called "Sister Wives". In most polygamous families they have a good relationship and work together to do housework and take care of the children. They may or may not live under the same roof.

Is Kody Brown a polygamist?

Yes, he has four wives.

Does kyle maynard have a wife?

he is a polygamist and has around 12

WHo was the first polygamist in the Bible?

Lamech. (There are two different Lamechs; the one descended from Cain rather than Seth is the polygamist.) While the narrative names Lamech's two wives it does not explicitly state that he was the first polygamist... the genealogy in Genesis only names a few people specifically, and simply refers generically to other sons and daughters besides the ones mentioned by name. Lamech is just the first polygamist that's unambiguously pointed out; there may or may not have been others before him.

How polygamy exdends the sirname?

Often in polygamist families, all the children take on the father's surname. In this way, one surname can be extended to a large percentage of a particular polygamist community

What are the ratings and certificates for Dawn Porter - 2008 The Polygamist's Wife 1-4?

Dawn Porter - 2008 The Polygamist's Wife 1-4 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M