A permanent relationship is one that both partners intend to make last for the rest of their lives.
Assuming that you are not married, this is a wish-fulfillment dream, expressing your longing for this to be a permanent relationship.
Example the relationship letter for immigration
He doesn't intend on this being permanent or a committed relationship. Consider yourself warned. . .
A community.
It usually means he intends to date or have sex with other women; that he doesn't consider his relationship with you serious or (probably) permanent; and/or that he thinks you are being presumptuous or pushy with your behavior or expectations.
Not temporary.
It means that it will stay permanent till a certain date.
"Settle down" can refer to calming oneself or becoming more relaxed. It can also mean to establish a permanent residence or enter a stable, long-term relationship.
They stay / They remain We get the word 'permanent' from 'manent', because that which is permanent stays in place.
its not always there
permanent stamps
a superficial relationship