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If someone has literally said those words to you... I would fire the question right back at them. Ask them what they mean. Perhaps this is a lyrical type of phrase and taken out of context just sounds playing weird. If it was said in a romantic way then it's a beautiful thought. But creepy otherwise because wanting someone Soul means they want to dominate you 100%. This is in my opinion of course. It sounds to me as if you have some homework to do and examine the relationship if this was not said in a poem or some type of passionate response. To answer your question directly one would need more information but my first reaction was that a power greater than ourselves is the only one that can possess our soul. No matter what religion you are I cannot find in my research any circumstance where another human being would possess someone soul. If this was not said in the contacts of good fun or a romantic poem Etc then I would seriously doubt this person's sanity

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

They are trying to be sincere. Tell them that my soul belongs to me! I will gladly be your friend, but I am me! If you can't accept my individuality, then maybe we should simply be friends?

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Q: What does it means when someone says they want your soul?
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What does it mean if someone wants your soul?

If someone says they want your soul, they may be expressing a desire for a deep connection with you or your essence. It could also be a poetic way of saying they want to form a strong emotional or spiritual bond with you. Ultimately, it is important to explore the context in which this statement is made to understand its true intention.

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How do you make a account on soul split?

When you get to the log in page, just type in any username and password you want. If it says that it is incorrect, that means it is taken.