When your urine smells like garlic, it could mean different things. However, try drinking a lot of water to flush out any toxins and if it persists, see a doctor.
My urine often smells like that but i don't know what it means but get checked out at the doctor's
Have the dog stop eating crowbars
If a spirit smells of garlic that usually has to do with their life and/or death. Try to figure out how they died and who they were in their life, that should answer why they would come across smelling like garlic.
Yes, if your urine smells like ammonia, it does mean that there is something wrong. It is likely that you either have a bladder infection or urinary stones and you should pay a visit to your doctor.
Sweat that smells like urine has ammonia. This means your body is losing nitrogen. Drink more water and the nitrogen will go into your urine rather than your sweat. You should also eat more or drink more carbohydrates.
It smells like butter.
It can mean you have eaten something like garlic or asparagus that has given it the smell, it could be an infection, you could be dehydrated, or if you recently took vitamins, that could cause it too.
This can be a sign of kidney/bladder problems or it could be from taking certain antibiotics. I would recommend seeing a physician. Source: Web MD
It usually smells horrible, if that's what you mean. Its the main reason why racoons do not make popular pets.
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