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Abdominal pain -- a dull ache, a burning sensation, or a sharp, stabbing pain -- is one of the most common complaints in all of medicine.

Most people can blame abdominal pain on their stomachs, but the stomach is just one potential trouble spot.

Any organ in your midsection can cause pain, including your appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and intestines.

Whenever abdominal pain strikes, it shouldn't be ignored.

By heeding symptoms early, you can spot the difference between a minor problem and a medical emergency.

Here's one simple guideline: If the pain is intense, get help right away.

You should also call your doctor or get to a hospital immediately if your abdominal pain is accompanied by bloody diarrhea, bloody vomit, black stools, or a fever above 101 degrees F.

Even when it doesn't signal an emergency, abdominal pain definitely sends a message. It could be telling you to make a change in your lifestyle or to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It could mean many things. Anywhere from muscle strain, broken bone, or heart attack to shingles, Arthritis, or medication side effect. One thing for sure is this is a major red flag for heart attack. Please be cautious and contact a health care provider. Only a licensed doctor can tell you why your arm hurts.

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10y ago

You may have hurt your arm and backside by overexertion doing outside work or an unusual amount of heavy lifting or stretching. If this pain persists, see a doctor to determine what might be wrong.

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16y ago

If you are menstruating it could be as simple as cramps. If not, then it could be something more serious, such as appendicitis. In either case, if the pain is severe and constant then you should consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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15y ago

Think of what are you doing lately. Work on a computer ? Weight... healthy lifestyle...

cholesterol control, blood pressure. pillows too high or too low... toilet just once a day or less..

eat fiber, enough water ? Problem on the vertebral column ? Have you taken a X-Ray of the column lately ? Stress related to familiar issues....relax....medicines taken lately...

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11y ago

Your back and side might hurt because you have damaged muscles playing sports or falling down. These areas might also hurt because you are sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too hard.

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12y ago

that you messed up in the gym.

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4y ago

It feels like I your it’s a sleep when you use it

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Right side hurts it goes around my back and lower stomach running a fever

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4y ago

My lelf arm hurts so bad

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