It's possible that you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) which can cause pain while urinating and lower abdominal discomfort. The dull ache on the lower right side could be a sign of appendicitis, which can be serious. I recommend seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
I have FULL DEXTRA CARDIA What could cause a dull ache on the upper right side just below or right under the edge of the rib cage close to the surface. It was intense for a day and I had a sore back by evening the day it started it is now fading away on the 3rd day but still lingers by the ribs.
You could have appendicitice
the right side
Appendicitis can begin vaguely with a dull abdominal ache. As the condition worsens, the abdominal pain becomes more intense and centers to the right side. Appendicitis is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Probably not.
He took an aspirin for the ache in his side.
UTI and/or not drinking enough of water.
Ache is a noun and a verb. Noun: I have an ache is my side. Verb: My side aches.
am 43 years old, i have been experiencing dull pain and numbness on my right arm and right leg for quite sometime now. likewise stiffness on my clavicular on waking up in the morning. what do i do?
When a pattern refers to the "right side" of your work, they mean the side that is the front. The side that is the back will be the "wrong" side.
A side ache is caused by a lack of exercise and excess dehydration. If someone is out of shape they will experience pain in the abdomen, due to the ligaments by the liver and diaphragm pulling and not being done regularly. Also dehydration will cause a side ache.