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that he needs some help to keep him from drinking. that is something noone should do to their wife weomen are tempermental.

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Q: What does it mean when your husband constantly makes cutting and rude remarks about you when he drinks?
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Yes. It does not matter if he can or cannot hold a job, it is the fact that he constantly drinks.

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Considering this is a female friend it is fine for them to confide in your husband, but it is not fine that she invites him for a drink. If you are friends then she should be confiding in you or both you and your husband. You have the power to stop this and tell your friend and your husband the meetings stop!

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Typically you want to cut it 6 for drinks such as ice tea. If you are cutting it for things like Corona its 8 so that it can fit.

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of course its normal...................... it will be your life in it.............. many couples separate because of this reason

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no, no no, and NO!!!! it is not right to break the law and harm your body for a guy

Start Strong When Losing Weight By Cutting Soda?

To get the best weight loss kick start it is important to begin balancing nutrition and diet from the start. Making small changes at the start of a weight loss plan can lead to steadily losing weight and reaching fitness goals. One of the first changes that many make is cutting soda and sugary drinks from their lifestyle. Some choose to switch to diet drinks that have zero calories while others eliminate it completely. In order to stay hydrated, many replace these drinks with water as it has zero calories and no sugar, making it a smart choice.

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Athletes would usually have energy drinks with them constantly. Because they are constantly sweating while they engage in physical activity, they need to replace their body with liquids. Also, sneakers, running shoes, etc. Those are the only things I can think of at the moment. I hope I helped! :)

How do you lose 10 pounds by May 28?

Not possible and still be healthy. The best you can do is about 2 pounds a week by cutting out all junk and processed foods, sodas, candy, and drinks with caffeine as well as wine and beer.

What happens to hamlet?

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