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I'm having the same problem and I wake up and parts of my body r still asleep and feel very weird

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Q: What does it mean when your falling asleep your body feels like its about to fall in mid air or something?
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How do birds not fall of their perches when they are asleep?

the same way you don't fall off your bed you may be asleep but your mind is always awake and going if you or the bird feels a slight imbalance in your body as in a falling motion you shall wake up as simple as that

Do animal body parts fall asleep like human body parts do?

No, animal body parts do not fall asleep in the same way that human body parts do. The phenomenon of "falling asleep" typically refers to the temporary loss of sensation or tingling that humans experience when a nerve is compressed. While animals may experience similar sensations if a nerve is compressed, they do not have the same concept of falling asleep as humans do.

Can a body part be permanently damaged from falling asleep too long and if so how long before this happens?

No sleep is healthy for the body

What does it mean when you dream of falling down the stairs?

Falling dreams, while frightening, often represent the body's reaction to the relaxation of muscles when in the process of "falling" asleep. The subconscious combines the physical sensation with the literal meaning of the expression "falling asleep" to produce a dream of falling.

Why do you twitch when falling asleep?

REM :: rapid eye movement Or the twitching of small muscles in the limbs as the body relaxes?

Is it possible to catch yourself falling asleep?

Well, have you ever been in class and felt real drowsy and started to fall asleep? Then right before you do, your body kinda jerks and you catch yourself.


Bodies have a cutout function to prevent us from acting out on our dreams as we sleep. Sometimes it isn't entirely smooth when this function takes charge, and we experience a jolt as we fall asleep.

How do you get to sleep quickly?

Focus on your breathing. Let your eyes close on their own. Falling asleep when you're not tired is either a matter of taking drugs or working with your body to get it to do what you want it to.

If you are falling in your sleep and hit the bottom can you die?

No, you cannot die from hitting the bottom while falling in your sleep. Your body has mechanisms in place to prevent you from acting out your dreams by physically moving while asleep. These mechanisms help ensure your safety even if you have vivid dreams.

Why your body jumps when sleeping?

if its right when you fall asleep its because your brain was still working then your heart rate and breathing went down quick so your body thinks your ganna die the jump is a shock sent through the body to wake you up and get everything going again if its right when you fall asleep its because your brain was still working then your heart rate and breathing went down quick so your body thinks your ganna die the jump is a shock sent through the body to wake you up and get everything going again

How do you know when its your head talking or your heart?

Your body is an incredibly powerful barometer of whether something feels true or false. When something is right. The body feels light, buoyant and open. When you're forcing yourself into something. Your head is doing the talking, there may be a sensation of being forced - a tightness. It's very useful to become more attuned to your feelings and your body.

What is the results of falling to sleep when donating plasma?

Falling asleep during plasma donation can lead to a higher risk of fainting or feeling lightheaded when waking up, as the body may not be adequately hydrated or nourished. It's important to stay awake and alert during the donation process to ensure your safety and well-being.