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JOkes, sometimes in life guys change or grow up a bit form pet names. some guys are not as affectionate as females so dont be upset when he stops calling you babe, if he starts other rhings such as not kissing you in public or doing his normal things maybe start to talk to him and tell you how you feel, communication is the key to a happy relationship. Try it.... kinky!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

It could mean a couple of things,if it`s like he said .Hey baby whats your name,I would tell you either he thinks your hot or attractive Yum Yum and probs what to get to no u better ,in what way ud say well he probably whats some .Then theres a way if he said you baby ,which would mean hes saying your a wimp sore loser or something like that ,.He would say this as well if he wanted to go on a hge rollercoaster and u didnt want to he might say you baby too which means your a scardy cat boo hooo lol

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend stops calling you baby?
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What does it mean when someone call you baby?

It depends who is calling you that! It usually is a term of endearment. A boyfriend/girlfriend calling each other "baby" or a mother calling her son "baby" even if the son is not longer a baby. It could also be used to describe inmaturity, for example "he is a baby, he cries for everything" but it all depends who is calling you that, under what circumstances and even the tone of their voice. But I would say, 9 out of 10 times is a term of endearment. Hope this helps.

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