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It can mean ohh so many things: low on certain vitamins: low iron, low vitamin B. Could also mean you may not be getting quality sleep when, you are actually sleeping. Mind may be feeling super restless. Need to know other symptoms to pin point the root problem. Best bet is to go to the doctor, and get some blood tests done to narrow done any potential vitamin deficiencies.

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Q: What does it mean when your body is super tired and just wants to go to sleep?
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Can you get a headache from staying up too late?

Yes because your body is very tired and it wants to go to sleep i think.

I have a headache but i have to stay at the computer and im at school what can i do to get rid of it i think its because im tired?

It could be due to to you being tired, your brain cells just want to shut down if you didnt get enough rest. When you don't get enough sleep your body wants to shut down and sleep. You have a headache because your brain is tired and you need to sleep. When it's time for you to go to sleep you should sleep.

Why is it when you sleep longer you feel more tired?

If you constantly go with little sleep, your body learns to deal with it. But when you sleep longer, your body thinks it's time to catch up, and wants to sleep more. Ideally, sleep 8-10 hours ever night, and that won't happen.

How do you say your body is so tired but your mind wont let me sleep in patois?


What happens to your body when you do not get enough sleep?

you fell tired

How the body recovers from physical activity?

by making u tired so u sleep. the body recovers when u sleep

What happens if you dont sleep?

First, you will become extremely tired. You will become very lathargic, and after a long enough period without sleep, you will simply crash onto whatever it is you are on, and your body will force you to go to sleep. Basically, in time, if you don't sleep, your body will make you. you will faint

What is the conciquence of not enough sleep?

your body just wants to shut down because it doesnt know what to do. it especially doesnt help when you usually get enough sleep and then suddenly you just stop sleeping for a while. also not just your body wants to shut down but so does your mind. im sure youll feel tired, if not exhausted. youll seem draggy.

How can sleep affect sporting performance?

Your body needs to rejuvenate its energy to be ready for the next day, game, etc. If you worked very hard for a long period of time, your body needs to replenish the proteins supply and get more glucose. If you don't sleep and allow your body to get rest, you will be physically and mentally tired and drained.

What can happen to a kid if they don't get enough sleep?

Doesn't matter what age you are from 12-120 -sleep is important.It is as important as if food and water are so I suggest you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night..Hoped I answered your question!

How you sleep?

make your body tired,and take some fresh air deep into your lungs then go to bed you will get good sleep

Is it seriously bad that you only get 3 hours of sleep a night because you can not sleep at even if your not tired?

Yes, it is. Your body does need rest.