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More information are required. Have you fell in love ? Have you got a cold and has fever ? Are you near to a fireplace ? Are you watching porn videos ?

That's good, worse is when it's hot and you feel cold.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Your question isn't clear but I have two answers that might possibly answer your question.

In Plumbing -- Sometimes in old houses, someone put the knob for hot water (Marked H) on the cold water side, and the cold water knob (marked C) on the hot water faucet. I've seen apartments where both knobs are marked for Hot water. A hardware store can help you find a matching set you like.

In health -- There are conditions, like severe head injury, which can affect a person's sense of hot-cold. This is especially dangerous, because people can get burns without realizing they are being burned. For example, they may swallow scalding hot soup or tea and burn their throats.

Health Conditions -- In Diabetes and spinal cord injuries, the sensory nerves become damaged, usually in the legs and feet. A person might say their feet are "burning hot" but when someone else touches the feet they are actually ice cold. Or people complain of ice cold, but the skin temperature is normal. These conditions can also be dangerous. A person can't rely on testing bath water with their foot---it could actually be extremely hot water, but the person cannot register temps properly. Many elderly people are at greater risks of burns from bath water because their body's temp gauge does not work properly. Burns have been so severe that a person can die from this.

Also, when people have a thyroid disorder, it affects body temperature. The body thermostat goes haywire. A simple blood test or ultrasound can identify a thyroid condition, and daily medication can restore balance of thyroid hormones. Surgery may be needed.

If you are having trouble distinguishing temperatures, talk to your doctor.

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