Although experts generally suggest an average of 7-9 hours per night, some people can get along with less while some people need as much as ten hours to feel alert the next day. Sleep requirements can change as we age
Hermit crabs are nocturnal and dont require a lot of sleep only a couple hours.
yes, if you dont get enough sleep and you get too tired your body cant slow down enough and it's harder to get to sleep. trust me, i know. :D
No penguins can sleep on water.
nope. sometimes babies dont move at all. they do sleep a lot in the womb.
vapires dont sleep
you either played a lot of okami or have a high imagination when you sleep
no it means hes lazy or likes to sleep
They dont sleep in ennything they sleep on rocks and under trees.
its the sharks the sharks dont sleep ever they can low the energy that goes to the brain so they rest but they dont sleep and they dont stop from swimming
They dont sleep.
you either played a lot of okami or have a high imagination when you sleep
They need to sleep a lot to stay healthy. They have to sleep 10-12 hrs.