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it has nothing to do with sleep. does blood comes out with pain? it could be anal fissure or hemarroids or a lot other things.

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Q: What does it mean if you sleep all the time and when you poop blood comes out?
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If my poop has blood what's that mean?

you have a infection and should go see a doctor quik

What happens if you have tyedye poop?

I'm not quite clear what you are describing but if you have noticed blood when you poop then it could mean you have a pile that is bleeding as the poop comes out. This will put streaks of blood along the poop and it may look quite jazzy. An anal fissure may also cause this. The rim of the anus is damaged somehow and before it can heal properly, the poop causes it to split open again and bleed. This condition is often painfull. Blood coming from further up the bowel may well be mixed in with the poop and be less easy to recognise as blood but the poop will be very dark and almost black sometimes. Colitis can cause bleeding but you will also have explosive pooping. Bleeding from the bum needs to be checked by a doctor but more often than not there is nothing to worry about. Hope this helps.

What is thee poop?

Poop is wast that comes from your stomach

When you go poop and have bleeding after in your under ware It also feels itchy afterwhen you bathroom Sometimes blood comes from your butt even if you didnt poop Its been bleeding for about 3 months?


Do flys poop?

YES!!! they eat sleep and poop just like every insect etc...

Were do baby's poop and pee?

the poop comes out there butt hole daaaaaaah and the pee comes out there privte part you retard

What can tortoises do?

They can eat, sleep, walk, poop, and pee.

What is special about poop?

Poop comes out brown. It is how the body releases uneeded meterials.

Why is poop dark?

well. it all depends on what you eat.. if you drink nothing but water. your poop will be diarrhea.. if you eat peanuts.. you will see it in your poop. that goes with corn they are indigestible. Very dark fecal matter could mean blood in the stools. p.s- sometimes poop is green.

What is the big intestine?

Its where the poop comes from.

Why did you have red poop?

cause blood

What do baby narwhals do?

Eat, sleep, poop, cry, and impale.