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It means he doesn't like you!!!

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Q: What does it mean when you ask a guy out and he says Im not ready maybe later but not now?
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What if you like this guy and you come out and ask him if he likes you and he says no but later says yes what does this mean?

if a guy does this then there can be two diffrent answers to this. 1. it can mean maybe that they arent ready and they don't want to break your heart so they think they can tell you yes i like you. or 2. they can change there mind on how they feel. its like maybe they were like well no i don't and then they look back and see what a great person you are and then relize yes they do like you!

What does a guy mean when he says maybe you can fight another time?

He is saying that he wants to fight you. He will likely assault you at a later date.

What does it mean when a man says I am not ready to be in a relationship maybe one day?

It means he is not ready to date, or have anyone as a girlfriend for that period. To go into relationship one has to be prepared emotional, mentally and other wise.

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This means it is ready to print what you want it to.

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ready to party!

What do you do if you ask a boy out and he says no but he likes you?

maybe his too shy or his not ready yet

What if a girl says she likes you but doesnt want a boyfriend?

This usually means that she just got out of a relationship and isn't ready to start another and maybe she likes being single for a change. Just give her time and sooner or later she will be ready to have a boyfriend

What does she mean when she says she doesn't date?

Maybe she really doesn't date. Maybe she is not ready for a serious relationship. Give her some time for when she can decide on when she's ready to date. or she might not want to go out with you, but probably not.

What does Mir Hussein Moussavi mean when he says 'I am ready for martyrdom'?

It Means He is ready for death.

You ask a woman to marry you and she says maybe?

well that doesnt mean she doesnt she doesnt like you...she may just not be ready for commitment yet you shouldn't rush these kinds of things...

He says he has many girlfriends what does that mean?

He's not ready to settle on one.

What does it mean when a guy says 'maybe someday'?

It means no.