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It means he will talk to you later.

Guys say exactly what they mean.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says talk to you later?
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It means that you have not

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he doesn't want to talk

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His girlfriend got jealous.

What do guys really mean when they say ill talk to you later?

When a guy says "I'll talk to you later," they may simply mean that they will touch base with you at some point in the future. It could also indicate that they need some time alone or have other things to do before continuing the conversation.

What does it mean when a REALLY cute guy says hi and says can i see you later sometime?

It means he likes you - a lot.

What does a guy mean if he says he can't be botherd to talk to you?

When a guy doesn't want to talk to you then he's either very angry or he doesn't want to continue a relationship with you.

What does it mean when a guy says he will catch you later?

A form of goodbye meaning he will see you later. Don't read anything into it.