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UTI Urninary Trac Infection. Treatable by drinking water, wipe front to back, shower after sex. Men can get UTI's as well, it is less common but is possible. With the vaginal pain you can get a kidney infection they are related. practically the same. When you have a UTI go to your local hospital A.S.A.P! the bacteria can break loose and get in your blood and cause ecoli. Also not common but it is a factor. Thank you and stay healthy and well ~Dr.Grace Esin

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A lot of times it can be due to either a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection. If it is a yeast infection, it may be accompanied by vaginal itching and cottage-cheese-like discharge. With a uti, even though urine is clear it may be the start of one. I would suggest visiting your PCP or go to the E.R. to recieve antibiotics.

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Q: What does it mean when urine smells and its pain when urinating?
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Why very cloudy urine and amp pain while urinating very little urine?

It COULD be a simple UTI - Urinary Tract Infection. It could ALSO be something entirely else. I do recommend you seek a doctor.

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