it either means shes scared to say "no". or shes willing to go that far because she really likes you. but be careful. guys like to make the mistake of rushing into things to fast if you know what im saying. you dont wont to scare her off.
he loves you
Steve Remfrey is a custom Thigh/Inner Thigh/Arm Guard maker in Australia, he makes customs pads for lots of international cricketers. It just a signature he puts on pads he has made
It means he's 8 years old.
It means he really likes you a lot and wants to get to know you better.
This is only a guess mind you but I think she means lets keep in touch.
Maybe he likes being touched or he wants to flirt with you
She wants to be friends, but maybe you've not realized this.
hit it with u is the same comparison as kick it with you which means lets hang out him me up call me lets keep in touch so just a slang word 4 lets hang out
Everything,lets them know where they stand with you,the touch of someone you care about mean everything to a guy.
Answer He likes to touch you and apparently you like it too or you wouldn't be asking this question. There is one thing to be sure of, if you don't stop him at your thigh, he's going to go for all he can squeeze.
'Momo' and 'futomomo' can both mean 'thigh'.
A herpes rash consists of painful and/or itchy blisters, pimples or sores in a small group. A rash on your inner thigh could be herpes. If you think it's possible, get an exam as soon as you can.