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I would say itdon't mean jack! Alot of times when a guy says words that are to sweet 2 be true their lying to get at some hidden agenda. If it were true then you'd know and wouldn't need to be asking this question. Keep your eyes open for deeper meanings in your relationship such as how he treats you and how it differs when y'all are around other people. Do your needs still come first? A man that is looking to make you his all knows where his priorities lay, and that's with you hunny! Of course when you catch that man you make sure to hold on tighter than bark on a tree cuz I'm sure you've heard that there's a drought. Do things together, find things that you have in common and come up with ways to enjoy each others time. That will create bonds that will always be strong.


Doesn't hurt to be da baddest thing walkin. Indulge in things that makes you feel good about yourself and don't be afraid to try new things in the bedroom guys love an uninhibited woman. Just be comfortable in your own skin.

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He's not going anywhere


It may mean that he only wants you and you don't have to worry about losing him to someone else. Maybe he loves you.

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