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It either means he is embarrassed, or very uncomfortable. But if it's more casual, a man usually puts his hands in his pockets when he doesn't know what to do with them.

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Q: What does it mean when a man puts his hands in his pockets while talking to a woman?
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What does it mean when a woman while sitting or standing and talking to a man puts her hands behind her head and stretches so that her chest puffs out while maintaining eye contact with the man?

It means she's a whore.

What does it mean when a woman while sitting or standing and talking to a man puts her hands behind her head and stretches her shoulders back so that her chest puffs out while maintaining eye contact?

Aw c'mon! You know what it means.

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What is the myth about why men put their hand in their pocket when there around a woman they like?

Don't people think its more of a habit instead of a sign? Well, if it is a sign, I guess most men put their hands in their pockets when they are around a woman they like so that they could come off as a much more cool guy. Don't you think so? Putting their hands make them look better and serene. So, for them, by doing that, perhaps the woman that they like might notice them and gain interest in them. Ok sorry to whoever gave the previous answer but it is incorrect. Men shouldn't put their hands in their pocket because it is a sign of disrespect. its not only around ladies. it is thought that if men put their hands in their pockets they are playing with themselves and that is why men shouldn't put their hands in their pockets.

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Can you play with big nipples?

Absolutely. Nurse the woman clean, Then sing while clapping and tapping on her breasts and nipples with your fingers and hands. David Wesson. :)

When was Get Your Hands off My Woman created?

Get Your Hands off My Woman was created in 2002.

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What does it mean when men put their hands in their pockets?

Putting hands in pockets can be a sign of comfort or relaxation for some men. It can also be a way to conceal nervousness or uncertainty in social situations. It's important to consider the context and the individual's body language as it can vary in meaning from person to person.

Which type of men's personality liked by woman?

Basically it depends upon the character of that particular woman but most of the times a woman likes a person who is brave ,honest and that will not hesitate while talking to anybody.

What are the release dates for In the Hands of a Woman - 1914?

In the Hands of a Woman - 1914 was released on: USA: April 1914