It doesnt necesarrily mean she likes you but somewhat does. If she punches you shes got a problem, but if she just like fip your hair or something its like flirting.
Is he ticklish? poke him in his ribs or something. Or wiggle your eyebrows at him when you make eye contact...but make sure you laugh after or you might scare him.
How old are you? I mean seriously. And most likely because that is strange.
Not necessarily. He might just dislike her. But if he's playfully mean, or is sometimes nice- then maybe.
means that he wants you
he likes you...
playfully poke him back.. he is flirting with her
It depends on how he acts if its like he laughs at you or plays tricks on you he might. but if he is physically hurting you its a NO! Trust me there's a guy at my school and i really like him and he is playfully mean to me and all my friends say he likes me.
No, it's actually not bad at all! It may mean that the boy likes you a lot! If he keeps playfully teasing you, it would be a good idea to tag along...if you like that boy of course!
it means they are too shy to admit that they like you
Most likely. because he is actually trying to get ur attention.
means that the person pushing is trying to tell you to ask him out