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How old are you? I mean seriously. And most likely because that is strange.

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Q: Does a guy like you if he playfully bites you?
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What does it mean if the bunny bites you?

If he bites hard he is saying NO! If he nips playfully he is saying PET ME! :)

If a guy is 15 and immature and shy and he walks past you and playfully slaps you is he flirting and does he like me?

Yes :)

Does a guy like you if he playfully shoves you when you walk past him?

I would say yes. Women do the same.

When a guy playfully pokes a girl what does he expect or want her to do back?

playfully poke him back.. he is flirting with her

What does that mean if a guy kicks you playfully till the chairs in the corridor and says you are like an ideal gas?

he likes you...

What does it mean when a guy bites their nails around you?

They like you

What does it mean when a guy playfully pushs hits or kicks you everyday but says he doesnt like you?

it means they are too shy to admit that they like you

If a guy is mean to you does he like you?

It depends on how he acts if its like he laughs at you or plays tricks on you he might. but if he is physically hurting you its a NO! Trust me there's a guy at my school and i really like him and he is playfully mean to me and all my friends say he likes me.

I like this guy and i think he likes me he smiles at me a lot and when he passes by me his friends look at me and and start poking at him looking at me does he like me?

Yes and he has told his friend and they are playfully slagging him.

Is it bad for a guy to playfully tease a girl that they are friends with?

No, it's actually not bad at all! It may mean that the boy likes you a lot! If he keeps playfully teasing you, it would be a good idea to tag along...if you like that boy of course!

When a guy playfully pokes a girl what does he expect orwant her to do back?

giggle. flirt.

How do you use the word playfully in a sentence?

The father playfully acted like a horse when his son was on his back.