I think you must mean 170. 170 is considered to be very high. You want to aim to be below 130 at the very least. Less than 100 is best.
Your doctor may need you to change your diet and start exercising. And the doctor may even want you to start taking cholesterol lowering medications.
YES!!! That is not good.
MDCC = 1700
when having high cholesteral do you have chest pressure and tightness
No, in fact the oils in salmon are high is omega-3's which can help your body shed cholesteral.
Charles Messier mad a list of Comets in the 1700 hundreds assuming that you mean the 1700's as in 1700 to 1799 instead of the actual meaning.
the yolk
what is good or healthy choleseral
Making the assumption that by 1700, you mean 1700 grams, your answer will be 1.7 kg + 3.8 kg + 4.3 kg - Which equals 9.8 kilograms.
alter membrane fluidity
All laboratories use different testing methods, and therefore have different normal ranges, however, in general, you want your LDL cholesterol level to be below 70mg/dL, or 1.8mmol/L.
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