IF you don't know the answer, you need not worry about it, do your homework and make something of your life. you have many other things that you must put in proper order in life, then when you get a bit older, you will have no need in asking foolish questions.
it means lost virginity, you know has had sex
hey my name is joe and the answer 2 this is no. but blood will come out
Its basically the same thing as " popping the cherry " on a girl but you scream louder.
You want be busting it....
A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.
They went bust
Girls do not have a cherry, a cherry is a type of fruit not a part of a girls anatomy. If you want to know about a certain part of the female anatomy first learn to what the anatomy is called.
Yes it is possible to get a girl pregnant on her first sexual encounter.
By having sex with her. If you don't see blood, you're too small.