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Some people say it means good luck or you're going to get some money

Generally your left hand itching means money coming into your life, unless you are left-handed in which case it means money going out of your life.

I thought it was the right hand brings money and the left hand your paying out money.

It means something is irritating the skin of your hand.

It means you are too superstitious or that you are having bad luck

There's an old superstition that when your palms itch it means money. An itching left palm means money to be paid out, while an itching right palm is money coming in. To stop the left palm from itching, the superstition says to rub the palm on a piece of wood.

There may be something to this old tale, since itching palms often show new internal energy moving through the hands. The left hand is the passive or receptive, and the right is the active. When the left palm itches, look for new energy or services coming into your life - Of course this will probably cost you some money. The right palm itching means energy or services going out - Work you might get paid for.

Touching or rubbing wood is a very old method for transferring or releasing unwanted energy buildup (thus expressions like "touch wood"), so if your left palm itches, try rubbing it on the corner of a table - If you don't get a splinter, perhaps you'll save some money!

The answer in bold italics offered by The Oklahoma Pagan Society

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

It means you will soon shake hands with stranger.

Grandmother always said if your right hand itches you will be spending money soon; if your left hand itches you will be receiving money soon.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


-right hand - Money going out.

-left hand - Money coming in.

-right foot - Journey to familiar place.

-left foot - Journey to strange place.

-right ear - Spiteful gossip.

-left ear - Someone is speaking well of you.

-nose - Going to kiss a fool; expect a quarrel.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

when your right palm itches it is supposed to mean that you are going to come into a lot of money soon

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Honey, it means ur in luck!!!! No, I'm kidding, to be honesst, it just means you're right hand is itchy. There doesn't always have to be something behind something

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Nothing i dont think. if you are worried/concerned about it go to a doctor =]

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You will receive some

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Q: What does it mean if your right hand is itchy?
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Left hand= Money leaving you! Right Hand=Money Coming to you :)

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this is based on a superstition this is answer is taken from another answer site The superstition is as follows: "If the palm of your right hand is itchy, then it fortells that money is coming to you, but don't scratch it as that stops the money from coming! If it's your left palm that is itchy, then scratch away, as that means that you'll soon be paying money."

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this is based on a superstition this is answer is taken from another answer site The superstition is as follows: "If the palm of your right hand is itchy, then it fortells that money is coming to you, but don't scratch it as that stops the money from coming! If it's your left palm that is itchy, then scratch away, as that means that you'll soon be paying money."

What does it mean when your hand itches?

There is an old belief that an itching palm means that one is going to receive money soon. But if the itching is intense, or develops into a rash, it probably means that you handled something irritating, like poison ivy, or something to which you are allergic.

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What does it mean when your left hand is itchy?

superstitiously it means: * If the palm of your right hand is itchy, then it foretells that money is coming to you, but DON'T scratch it as that stops the money from coming! * If it's your left palm that is itchy, then scratch away, as that means that you'll soon be paying out money for something! * If you want to avoid losing most of the money you have to pay out, rub your left palm against wood and that should reduce the amount you have to pay out. * If the back of your hand itches you will lose money. Realistically, if you choose not to believe superstitions i think you should just itch your hand.

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