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It means that it's time for you to see a doctor or a sexual health clinic. Your body has conflicting signals, only a one to one consultation can sort things. Best of luck.

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Q: What does it mean if you haven't had a period in 4 months and are not pregnant?
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What does it mean when your stomach is hard at the top you havent had your periods in months?

I would see your GP about this as it could mean you are pregnant but it could mean a number of other things.

What does it mean once you dont have your period in 2 months?

You're pregnant

What are Signs of being pregnant while on the pill?

Your best bet is to test. PMS and Pregnancy symptoms are very similar that it is easy to confuse the two. Just because you havent gotten your period doesnt not necessarily mean you are pregnant. TEST You can have spotting while pregnant. Its is quite common. On rare occasions a women will have what seems to be her period the first couple of months.

If your period is three months late that can mean?

Your pregnant or someting is very wrong

If your period comes early does that mean you are pregnant?

You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.

Could you get pregnant if you have not had your period for a couple of months and you have been off the birth control for 2 months and the test says you arent pregnant what does it mean?

It means that the birth control could possible have messed up your cycle an its taking long to get on track that's if you havent been having umportected sex see a doctor to be sure sweety. *Keya*

What does it mean when your stomach hurts and you havent had your period in a month and you feel extremely tired and you arent as hungry as usual?

It may mean you are pregnant - but after only a month you could just be about to start

You have not had your period in 4 months what could this mean?

It could mean you are four months pregnant, you are going through menopause or you have a bad infection.Either way check with your doctor.

I was on the depo for 3 months and still had my period. I missed an injection and my period hasn't come. what does that mean?

You could be pregnant. Take a test.

Your stomach is hard what can that mean Also you haven't been on your period for almost 4 months?

Well yOu cOuld Be Pregnant..!!

Is it possible to fall pregnant in the first six months when you are not using the contraceptives?

If you mean in the first 6 months after pregnancy, then yes: you can become pregnant in this time period. If you are breast-feeding, this will generally prevent pregnancy.

Can a girl already 2 months pregnant get pregnant again?

hell no are you a retard? i mean serously you dont even have you period any more it imposible! No, a person can not get pregnant while they are already pregnant. Because the person would stop ovulating and having their period