Having admiration for someone indicates that the person would like to have the same qualities as the person in question. You might admire an athlete because they are successful football player for example or a friend because they have time for you and care about you. It could also be a guarded way of saying that you like someone but not in a romantic way.
You are much admired it's translated in romanian like: "Esti foarte admirat"
her husband and family
It would be mean to say to someone, "You have no soul."
When you say someone is hard boiled you basically mean that he is very difficult to deal with.
billy the kid
Neiladri is a Sanskrit name that typically signifies someone who is beloved by Lord Vishnu. It is often associated with qualities such as being charming, attractive, and admired.
You say you're sorry.
It usually means that you are thinking of that person. Wether you are aware of it or not.
We mean that they are intelligent, learn quickly, are innovative and creative, and/or more capable than average.