well usually it would mean that he thinks you are either hot, sassy, or when you are like in the middle of like a fight and you are winning. that also falls into the category or sassiness.
No, there is not anything weird with a teenage boy wanting an American Girl doll.
well i believe if a boy is emphasizing on the word Girl that he's either gay or has feminine tendencies!!
he is blind tired or nervous
be a tomboy
Sometimes they make fun of the boy to "prove" they don't like him. But, then again some women are just plain mean -_-
waits for him to make the first move. Ask her out
Shyness. ( :
Any time they have sex.
The name of a shy teenage girl is Amanda and the quiet girl in Amy. The fun and bubble boy is Brad, the cute, sneaky, and inconsiderate one is Steve, and the quiet, sweet boy is Larry.
It depends on what they call you. Calling you "Honey" means something a little different than calling you "Skank."
One can't force a boy to think romantically of a girl against his will. However, teenagers' minds are subject to change, it is may be likely That, given time, he may turn to liking that girl.
Everyone experiments