I guess it makes it smell horrible because my cuz tryied it he smells bad now
Yes! I know someone who regrew practically all their hair with garlic juice and olive oil at night!
Yes if you EAT it and put it on your hair once a week.
Eat lots of onions and garlic!
It's organic, so yeah. It IS good, but no one's gonna wanna be close to you anymore with your hair smelling of it XD
garlic pills should help with the shedding you should see less of it.
yes it helps grow the hair but am not realy sure how fast so go ahead and try it
No. But look at your category. It will help keep fleas off your dog. Add some garlic powder [NOT garlic salt] to their food, or give one SMALL garlic perle in a treat per day. Don't complain if your dog has obnoxious flatulence. It's that or fleas or poison chemicals on your dog.
No, garlic powder and garlic salt are not the same. Garlic powder is made from dehydrated garlic cloves and is pure garlic flavor, while garlic salt is a mixture of garlic powder and salt.
A cross and a string of garlic.
vegeta salt chichi goku garlic jr cell bojack