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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

yes it does it has vitamin c which helps hair growth

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Q: Does garlic help hair grow faster?
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How do you help your hair to grow faster?

they have some shampoo's to help it grow faster. Just search it on

What can you put in your hair to help it grow faster?

Nothung. Hair will grow at a fixed rate no matter what.

Does chili shampoo help your hair grow faster?

No it does not

How do you grow hair where your but is at?

Braid it every night and it should help it grow faster

Do raisins help your hair grow faster?

no way!!!!!you wish!

Does vinegar help your hair grow faster?

No, it is only a legend.

Can you put teenage vitamins in head in shoulders to get your hair to grow faster?

Not sure if that will work however taking vitamin b12 will help your hair to grow faster

What vitamin can grow your hair super long or help it grow?

fish oil helps it grow faster, but it also makes your hair everywhere else grow

What do put in your hair to make it grow?

Putting your hair in a bun can help your hair grow faster. If you put in a bun everyday, it may help it grow a little more than half an inch each month.

Can hair vitamins help your hair grow faster?

Yes, hair vitamins can help your hair to grow longer, faster. If you are interested in helping your hair grow, try taking protein supplements. Some people even take prenatal vitamins because it helps them feel better, and also helps to keep their hair and nails healthy.

Does your hair grow faster if you brush it a lot?

It is a myth that brushing hair a lot will make it grow faster. There are vitamins that can help hair grow, but brushing will not change the rate of growth.

Do urine help hair on your head grow faster?

No, it does not. See the related questions.