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Q: What does free air in the abdomen mean?
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What is free air in the abdomen?

free air in the abdomen often a sign of a leak in the GI tract, trapping air between organs and the abdominal wall.

What is air in the abdomen?

free air in the abdomen often a sign of a leak in the GI tract, trapping air between organs and the abdominal wall.

What is the treatment for free air in the abdomen?

Treatment for free air in the abdomen, known as pneumoperitoneum, depends on the underlying cause. In cases of perforated viscera (e.g., perforated ulcer or bowel), surgical intervention is often necessary to repair the perforation and address the source of the air. Supportive measures may include antibiotics, bowel rest, and close monitoring for signs of sepsis or peritonitis.

How do grasshoppers get air?

they have tiny spiracles on their abdomen that help them breathe

Can you suffocate a fly?

Flies "breathe" through spiracles on their abdomen and create air flow by moving the abdomen. To suffocate the fly, simply stop the movement of the abdomen in a completely still atmosphere.

What do you mean by abdomen?

lower stomach area.

What does abodomen mean?

Abdomen is a name of Stomach.

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What does the latin word venter mean?

Belly, abdomen.

How do Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches Hiss?

By forcing air through the spiracles on their abdomen.

What does a tarantula use its abdomen for?

The hairs on the abdomen can act as a self defence mechanism. When threatened, they will rub there legs on the abdominal, sending hairs into the air, which can blind and suffocate.

What does pres free cephalic mean in pregnancy terms?

pres means presentation and is the the lowermost presenting this case it will be the head - ceph meaning means that the head is still free in the abdomen and has not engaged in the pelvis - all completely normal