pres means presentation and is the the lowermost presenting this case it will be the head - ceph meaning means that the head is still free in the abdomen and has not engaged in the pelvis - all completely normal
It means baby is head down.
This simply means that the baby is head down rather than bottom down (breech.) This is the best presentation, and is a good sign.
cephalic in beginning labor
Free On Board
Having a short, broad head with a cephalic index over 80.
Anything with ceph- or cephalo- in it. Cephalopod, cephalic, cephalon, etc.
Acid reflux up your food pipe, causing indigestion and burning it. throw2.Full-time
It means "Free on Truck". Rgds S Manoj
Minimal free fluid means not very much fluid outside the vessels.
a barrier made by footballers defending a free kick at goal
people must face tradeoffs