

What does extra fat do?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Makes you heavier, cushions you, helps insulate you from heat loss, changes your body shape. Too much is bad for you

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When people develop extra fat cells, it results in weight gain as the fat cells store excess energy in the body. If not addressed through proper diet and exercise, the fat cells can continue to expand, leading to obesity and increasing the risk of various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems.

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Extra baggage normally means extra weight or fat

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It means 97 percent fat-free

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Your body stores extra calories as fat. If you take in more calories than you use the extra calories will be stored as fat regardless of what food type you got the calories from.

What body type is a little extra padding?

A body type with "a little extra padding" may be described as having a "soft" or "rounded" shape. This can fall under various categories such as endomorph or mesomorph, depending on overall body composition and genetic factors. It's important to focus on overall health and well-being rather than body type classifications.

What happen in the body if you eat extra colories?

You get fat

What must the body do with the extra energy?

The body has no choice but to store the extra energy that is not used. This is usually stored as fat.

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Yea i guess if she ain't to fat

A wizard has turned you into a whale- Is this awesome Y-N?

no you would be fat! like extra fat man