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signal to noise ratio

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Q: What does coded excitation improve in addition to penetration?
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What has the author Adam C Weathermon written?

Adam C. Weathermon has written: 'A coded excitation system for pulsed Doppler ultrasound based on the fractional Fourier transform'

What is the difference between a coded and a non-coded heart rate transmitter?

The difference between a coded and non-coded transmitter is a coded transmitter will only transmit to your receiver. So if your planning on exercising around people who will be wearing transmitters you want a coded transmitter so you don't get there heart rate. If you are working out solo, get a non-coded transmitter.

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How was minecraft coded?

Minecraft was coded using JAVA.

What is the population of Coded Illusions?

Coded Illusions's population is 28.

When did Coded Arms happen?

Coded Arms happened in 2005.

When was Coded Illusions created?

Coded Illusions was created in 2005.

How is the information in DNA coded?

how is genetic infoemation coded in DNA?

When was Coded Languages created?

Coded Languages was created in 1981.

Why is ADHD coded on Axis II?

It's not. It's coded on Axis I

In which language was Minecraft coded?

It was coded in Java but also uses opengl.

Which of the follwing coded entries are used to control access to computers?

Ascii coded