You blow your fingers in your can blow with a real whistle.when you whistle you blow loud.
No, it means to blow up.
blow a gasket, blow a fuse : pushed past some tolerance level into an angry fit.
to be astonished by something
blow or cool.
it means awesome
To have fun!
there is a microphone in between the top screen and touch screen (bottom screen). Blow into it.
It means to "go down" on the carb. Just put you lips on the carb "and blow"!
No, this is not a sexual act. In British slang, 'blow me' is an exclamation of surprise. Although some people twist this word to mean a sexual innuendo. For example: 'Oh blow me this tea is jolly marvelous!'
"Let's blow this popsicle stand" was a rem used in the 1920s to mean let us leave this soda shop.