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Chlorine contact with skin causes burns, tissue damage, and pigment lightening in long exposures. Wash the contacted area immediately within seconds of contact with the skin.

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Q: What does bleach do to your body?
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Related questions

How do you bleach hairs on your body?

Get hair bleach from your local pharmacy !

What kind of bleach to use for body hair?

Do not use any kind of bleach for your body hair.Best to use lemon juice instead,if you want to lighten!NO BLEACH!

Can clhorine bleach kill HIV outside the body?

Chlorine bleach has been found effective in killing HIV outside of the body.

Does a cap full of bleach clean your body?

You don't need to clean yourself with bleach. Soap and water is enough. Bleach is actually harmful to your skin.

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Does bleach clean marijuana out your body?

Not in any important amount. Besides, bleach is quite toxic, and not to be used as a medicine.

How long should bleach kept on face?

A person never needs to have bleach in contact with their face or any part of the body.

Why does bleach make your hands slippery?

Clorox bleach is a base, as opposed to an acid. The oils that the body generates are slightly acidic, and the bleach interacts with these oils to create a soap, which is the source of the slippery feeling.

Can smelling bleach make you have diarreah?

Inhaling bleach fumes may irritate the respiratory system and cause symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath, but it is unlikely to directly cause diarrhea. If you are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms after smelling bleach, it may be from another cause and you should consult a healthcare professional.

Does 1 teaspoon of bleach in a glass of water flush out cocaine in your body?
