Chlorine contact with skin causes burns, tissue damage, and pigment lightening in long exposures. Wash the contacted area immediately within seconds of contact with the skin.
Get hair bleach from your local pharmacy !
Do not use any kind of bleach for your body hair.Best to use lemon juice instead,if you want to lighten!NO BLEACH!
Chlorine bleach has been found effective in killing HIV outside of the body.
You don't need to clean yourself with bleach. Soap and water is enough. Bleach is actually harmful to your skin.
Not in any important amount. Besides, bleach is quite toxic, and not to be used as a medicine.
A person never needs to have bleach in contact with their face or any part of the body.
Clorox bleach is a base, as opposed to an acid. The oils that the body generates are slightly acidic, and the bleach interacts with these oils to create a soap, which is the source of the slippery feeling.
Very bad idea. It is a chemical not meant to be in the body.