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Dementors from Harry Potter right? That's the only thing I can guess that you're asking about. Well, if you read the books/watch the movies, you'll know that it's like it's sucking out all of the happiness you've ever felt.

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Q: What does a dementors kiss feel like?
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What is the kiss called in HP3 with Hermione and Weasley?

A Dementors kiss

What is deaths kiss?

When the Dementors suck out the person's soul and leave them to die.

What exactly are dementors in Harry Potter?

Dementors are magical beings exclusive to the world of Harry Potter. They are creatures that feed on people's emotion and gain strength from it. They produce mist when reproducing, and can suck your soul from your body ( leaving you a lifeless shell ) - the Dementor's Kiss.

In Harry Potter what feeds off positive human emotions?

The Dementors feed off postitive human emotions. When they are near they will make everyone feel miserable. They guard the wizarding prison, Azkaban. The worst that can happen to someone is not death, it is the Dementors Kiss, when a dementor sucks out someones soul, meaning they aren't dead but have no feelings or emotions.

How does a kiss feel like?

It should feel very pleasant & loving!

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it feels like a british kiss.

Are dementors humans who had received the dementor's kiss?

No, Dementors are completely different species from humans. When humans are kissed by a Dementor, the stay the same physically, it's just their minds that go weird. They get their soul sucked out of them they have no memory or no happiness

what a kiss feel like?

Its like heaven but not as great. you will feel all tingly inside and you will feel joy if there was fireworks but if its not meant to be you will feel nothing.

What was the name of the evil witch that tried to kill Harry Potter?

Dolores Umbridge sent dementors to Kiss Harry, if that's what you mean.

What does a soft kiss feel like?

well, a soft kiss is not hardcore it is just a kiss where you touch their lips for like a few seconds with no tongue action

What does a kiss feel like when your in love?

like you really know this person and you want to be with them.

What do boys feel when girls kiss them on the cheek?

Some boys may feel flattered, happy, or shy when girls kiss them on the cheek. It can vary depending on the individual's feelings and relationship with the girl.