Every dot above the T represents a tablet. Physicians may put 1-4 dots above what resembles a T, with one dot meaning one table, two meaning 2 Every dot above the T represents a tablet. Physicians may put 1-4 dots above what resembles a T, with one dot meaning one table, two meaning 2 tablets and so on.
It means 1 (one).
Depending on how it is used, a dot over a "T", used in a prescription order, could mean 1, such as 1 tablet/pill.... 1 time daily.
t s 1 = first up
The dot of an 'i' is called a tittle and the cross of a 't' is called a T-bar.
It is unknown what the variable T is, but it is a mathematical notation that a dot over a variable stands for the derivative with respect to time of that variable. So T with a dot over it = derivative of T with respect to time = dT/dt. T in physics typically stands for the period/ 1/frequency -- The symbol you describe written on a medical prescription means one. Two dots over a bar with two down strokes (looks like a little symbol for pi) means two, etc.
it's not Pi it's 2 T's joined together ie TT every T has a dot on top 2 T's with 2 dots means 2 tablets 1 T for 1 tablet 3 T for 3 tablets see http://www.englishforums.com/English/EnglishUsedPrescriptionWriting/bqkcn/post.htm
That a bird has sh*t above you!
It's actually one circle above a horizontal line and one "1" below it. It means "One tablet". To write "two tablets", he would have drawn two circles above the horizontal line and two "1"s below it.
The cross through the letter "t" is called a tittle. It is a common diacritical mark used in various languages to distinguish lowercase "t" from other letters.
Answer:q.d. x 1 wk means every day for one week.
Dr. francisco T. Duque